These drawings were made at the Playa residency in eastern Oregon. The residency site is at Summer Lake, a vast shallow seasonal lake, one of several in the area. Pastel chalk in hand, I found repetitive movement and marks that echoed the changing view outside my window, one moment clear, the next a mineral dust cloud looming, the next filled with migrating birds or a vivid sunset. Each layer of pigment was rubbed into the paper, creating a soft glow, as more layers were added.
"Threshold 1", 2021, 50 x 38 in, hard pastel on paper
"Threshold 2", 2021, 50 x 38 in, hard pastel on paper
"Threshold 3", 2021, 50 x 38 in, hard pastel on paper
"Glow 2", 2021, 20 x 20 in, hard pastel on paper
"Murmuration", 2021, 30 x 48 inches, hard pastel on paper
"Riding the Thermals", 2021, 30 x 44 in, hard pastel on paper
"Glow", 2021, 20 x 20 in, hard pastel on paper